The Brief

Branduo was tasked with driving a brand strategy for Miss SA that would allow it to completely overhaul its positioning and define a new vision and voice under the impeccable care of Weil Entertainment. An in-depth workshop was held with the management team who boldly committed to a complete transformation of their brand ideals and definition of the Miss SA brand.

Project Overview

Key Deliverables

+ Brand Strategy
+ Marketing Strategy
+ Brand Identity Design
+ Website copywriting

Creative Partners

+ Room 13 Design

The Creative Challenge

The world of pageantry is typically associated with superficiality and cattiness. The Miss SA management team wanted to break away from this image and rebuild their brand as a platform to help South African women embrace their self-worth and command their powerful voices, inspiring others and catalysing real social impact.

The Strategic Solution

An illustrated brand mark was designed to capture the unique beauty and diversity of the Miss SA contestants. Powerful, authentic language was crafted to help communicate their newfound pillars of “Empowerment, Duty, Championship and Beauty.” The resulting Miss SA brand is real, raw and relevant, successfully driving refreshed brand awareness and positive stakeholder sentiment.